Options for Life Foundation

Think Before You Pink
A project of Breast Cancer Action in response to the growing concern about the number of pink ribbon products and promotions on the market. The campaign calls for more transparency and accountability by companies that take part in breast cancer fundraising, and encourages consumers to ask critical questions about pink ribbon promotions.

The Cancer Control Society
The Cancer Control Society is a non-profit organization who's mission is to prevent and control cancer and other diseases through nutrition and non-toxic therapies.

Considering Cam Therapy
For thousands of Americans, health care includes some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Like any decision concerning your health, decisions about whether to use CAM are important. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has developed this fact sheet to assist you in your decision making about CAM. It includes frequently asked questions, issues to consider, and sources for further information.

Use of Complementary & Alternative Medicine in the United States
Report compiled by NCCAM as to the level of use of CAM therapies including information from both 2002 and 2007 surveys that demonstrates the increase in its usage over that 5 year period. For a shortened version, download this PDF.


Herbs at a Glance
This booklet will give you a basic understanding of some of the most common herbs in popular dietary supplements— their historical uses, what they’re used for now, the scientific evidence on their effectiveness, and side effects or cautions for you to consider. Provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).

Healthy Recipes from Dr. Brantley
Dr. Brantley is the author of "The Cure: Heal Your Body, Save Your Life" and noted expert in the field of healthy living, both as a means to enhance quality of life and to promote successful outcomes when dealing with disease such as cancer.

Embodiworks.org provides a wealth of information on Integrative Cancer Care including diet and nutrition.

Some of their more popular articles include:
Antioxidants and Cancer

Inflammation and Cancer
(and how diet can aid in reducing inflammation)
Vitamin D and Cancer

Existential Crisis and Cancer
The mind and spirit play prominent roles in surviving cancer. A Harvard study suggests that almost all cancer patients are subject to what they call existential plight. Learn how to cope with cancer with tips in this article from Emodiworks.org.

Spirituality in Cancer Care
Compiled by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), this online guide delves into how spiritual and religious needs affect cancer patients and how caregivers can help.

Meditation in Healing
Meditation is widely used in healing. Read up on how it works and what you should consider before engaging in meditation as part of a Complementary and Alternative approach to dealing with cancer and other life-threatening disease. Provided by NCCAM.

Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment
You've survived cancer and your life is back to normal. Or is it? In this booklet, the National Cancer Institute shares what they have learned from other survivors about life after cancer: practical ways of dealing with common problems and guidelines for managing your physical, social, and emotional health.


The American College for the Advancement of Medicine
The premier source for patients looking for an integrative medicine provider. Search their database of providers here.

The International College of Integrative Medicine
A community of dedicated healthcare professionals advancing emergent innovative therapies in integrative and preventive healthcare
Search their Member Directory here.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine
The AAEM provides research and education in the recognition, treatment and prevention of illnesses induced by exposures to biological and chemical agents encountered in air, food and water.
Search their Member Directory here.

The American Holistic Medical Association
The AHMA remains true to its original mission, serving as the leading advocate for the use of holistic and integrative medicine by all licensed healthcare providers.
Search their Doctor/Provider Finder here.

The American Holistic Health Association
The American Holistic Health Association is dedicated to promoting holistic principles: honoring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their own health and healthcare.
Search their Member Directory here.

Best Answer for Cancer Foundation
A hybrid organization of doctors and patients working to shift the cancer paradigm from a one-size-fits-all disease-based approach to a patient-centered, integrative medical approach.
Search their Integrative Oncologist Directory here.

The American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine
The goal of the ABIHM is to establish standards of care in the application of the body of knowledge encompassed by Integrative Holistic Medicine.
Search their Directory of Integrative Holistic Medicine Providers here.